School Visit
Throughout the year, the EIA gets many requests for school visits as part of their RE syllabus ranging from Primary to Secondary schools, able and disabled students from year 1 to year 9. Many previous visiting schools and organizations have found such visits very educational and helpful. The Mosque constantly strives to build, maintain, and strengthen its relationship with the whole community by having an open door to any individual, school, or organization that wishes to visit it.
Students are shown what a day in the life of a Muslim in the Mosque entails. The students are shown different features of the Mosque, i.e. Prayer area,
Mehrab, Mimbar, and Wudhu/Ablution area. Parts of the visit are practical where students who are from a Muslim background show their classmates how to:
. Perform Wudhu – Ablution
. Call the Adhan – Call to Prayer
. Perform Salaat – Prayers
Preferred visit times are between
10.00am and 12.00pm, Wednesdays or
Thursdays only.
Durations of the visit usually last between 30-45 mins.
Many of the requests come during Autumn/Spring school term.
If you are interested in visiting the Mosque please email,